The Dandelion Field

The Dandelion Field

Being a small town girl myself, I’m drawn to small town or rural settings in novels. Whether there’s romance or not, I like the small town dynamics which sometimes includes a supporting cast of loveable, heart-warming, and quirky characters. You can have New York...
The All-American

The All-American

Some of my favorite middle school memories are bicycling to the baseball diamond and keeping score for my cousin’s team. It was a boy’s team, of course. It was the 1970s. No option for girls to play in my small Michigan town. But this was the closest I could get to...
The Bookshop of Secrets

The Bookshop of Secrets

The bookshop setting with a mystery enticed me to read Mollie Rushmeyer’s The Bookshop of Secrets. The mystery itself is tied to first print editions that once belonged to the protagonist’s mother. Classic old books, a bookstore, family secrets, mysteries,...
Night Bird Calling

Night Bird Calling

Author Cathy Gohlke does not hesitate delving into rough territory through her novels, going where angels fear to tread. With masterful storytelling, she champions the oppressed and victims of abuse. This includes those found in Christian circles—abuse that nobody...

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