by Laura DeNooyer | Oct 25, 2022 | Book Reviews
Even though Dangerous Inheritance is the second book in Sherri Wilson Johnson’s Jeopardized Reunions series, it’s the one I read first. But it doesn’t matter. Each one functions as a standalone. Last time I introduced Desolate Escape. Reading this novel reminded me...
by Laura DeNooyer | Oct 11, 2022 | Book Reviews
Years ago, my cousin’s son lived in Calcutta ministering to prostitutes through an organization called Word Made Flesh. I was deeply moved by their work. I wrote him an email: “I admire what you’re doing in building relationships with the girls in the red light...
by Laura DeNooyer | Sep 6, 2022 | Book Reviews
Is choosing career over family—or a potential spouse—sometimes the better choice? If your spouse is number one, what else are you sacrificing? Are you giving up the very thing that serves the community and provides the better good for all? What if you’re...
by Laura DeNooyer | Aug 30, 2022 | Book Reviews
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Alfred Hitchcock’s horror movie The Birds (1963). In the early 1970s, I was just a kid when it played on TV one night. The din of thousands of squawking birds on the wing grew as they approached, hovered, darkened the sky, then...