by Laura DeNooyer | Dec 3, 2024 | Book Reviews
I’M RUNNING A GIVEAWAY OF LIZ’S NEW BOOK—SEE BELOW. I’m glad to welcome novelist Liz Tolsma back to the blog. With a flair for romance, she is primarily known for her World War II fiction but has also dabbled in Amish romance and historical romantic suspense....
by Laura DeNooyer | Feb 6, 2024 | Book Reviews
Since November 2021, I featured and reviewed 80 books on my Standout Stories blog (as of February 2024). Time to “organize” them all! Here’s a convenient index for easy reference. Titles are categorized according to genre as well as setting, era, topics, and...
by Laura DeNooyer | Mar 7, 2023 | Book Reviews
Years ago, when I took my young daughters to Mexico for a month-long visit, my ten-year-old niece Ana got stung by a scorpion upon our arrival to their home in a small rural town. My sister Carol immediately took her to the doctor for an anti-venom shot. Ana was okay...
by Laura DeNooyer | Feb 14, 2023 | Book Reviews
After wanting to read Michelle Griep’s historical romantic suspense for a while, I randomly selected The Innkeeper’s Daughter, a standalone novel, book 2 of 3 in the Bow Street Runner’s Trilogy. It’s set in 1808 England, near the onset of the Regency Era. I was...
by Laura DeNooyer | Nov 8, 2022 | Book Reviews
What is it about old houses? It goes beyond the charm. When I walk through my neighborhood of Victorian homes, I’m sure they’re calling out to me: “Listen . . . Come learn my story . . .” They pique my curiosity. Who has lived there throughout the years? What secrets...