A Hundred Magical Reasons
A Hundred Magical Reasons
Most fairy tales have happy endings, but is it too late for this one? After all, Mrs. Charlotte Rose Gordon is eighty-eight.
This disgruntled town recluse has grown weary of fighting the dragons of her past—including the desire to clear her husband’s name of a 1918 crime.
Dragons of a different kind pursue Carrie Kruisselbrink.
During 1980, the summer of her private rebellion, Carrie defies parental expectations and pursues her café dream. While waiting for funding, she takes a job with Mrs. Gordon.
As Mrs. Gordon unfolds the story of her oppressive childhood and delightful friendship with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz author, L. Frank Baum, Carrie never expects to encounter her own fears and soul-searching.
In this modern-day fairy tale that weaves between 1980 and the early 1900s, Mr. Baum’s influence impacts each woman’s personal quests on a hero’s journey neither anticipates. Can Carrie and Mrs. Gordon find common ground in battling their respective dragons?
About the Book
A whimsical and poignant novel rooted in a girl’s childhood friendship with The Wizard of Oz Author, L. Frank Baum, set in Macatawa Park, Michigan.

Praise for
A Hundred Magical Reasons
“This is such a wonderfully delightful book. I was totally engrossed from the beginning. What an amazing story premise. What wonderfully developed and engaging characters. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath, I pondered, I got hungry, I highlighted phrases, I was surprised and I was totally satisfied as an avid reader. A quote from the book “It’s risky letting your imagination run free. But it’s necessary”. Oh I’m happy that Ms. DeNooyer let her imagination run free for it has given us a truly entertaining and feeling happily ever after book.” — Toni Stevens
“Fifteen Minutes with Mr. Baum is a delightful read. The reader is quickly drawn into the lives of the characters and eagerly awaits for the story to unfold. There are many twists and secrets to keep the pages turning until the very end.” — Janet Vogel
“The way the lives of these very real characters were intertwined made it hard to put the book down. And there were love stories and dragons slain…what could be better! Best of all, though, was seeing the hand of Providence in turning ashes to beauty – a true redemption story and delightful read.” — Laurie Beyer
“From the opening words, you are swept away on a cyclone of storytelling. The book is richly multi-layered, with a beautifully managed split-time, and tantalizing literary references. You’ll find yourself rooting for the main characters to discover the truths of their lives. Truth be told, I cried through the last forty pages. Do yourself a favor and read this book next!” — Laurie Herlich
“Being an Oz fan as well as a long time resident of West Michigan, I was immediately drawn into familiar territory. The novel blends a Baum biography with modern and turn-of-the-century characters. Full of romance, self-discovery, and mystery, it held my attention all the way until the surprising, yet most satisfying conclusion. A charming story!” — Chris Kaiser

Thank you to my daughter Audrey for the lovely image she created based on a photograph of L. Frank Baum sitting on the porch of his Macatawa Resort summer home. Check out her Punch Portraits business on Etsy here.